From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Special issue
This focused issue of Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology is entitled "From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches." It was developed during Ana M. Soto’s tenure as Blaise Pascal Chair of Biology 2013-15 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris, France). Giuseppe Longo was the Pascal Chair host at the ENS. This ongoing theoretical was also used as the content of a 10 session course attended by graduate students and post-graduates, which took place at the National Museum of Natural History and at the ENS. The attendants of course encouraged the guest editors to make this material easily available, hence the origin of PBMB issue.
Soto, Ana M., G. Longo, Denis Noble, Nicole Perret, Maël Montévil, Carlos Sonnenschein, Matteo Mossio, Arnaud Pocheville, Paul-Antoine Miquel, and Su-Young Hwang. 2016. “From the Century of the Genome to the Century of the Organism: New Theoretical Approaches.” Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Special Issue 122 (1): 1–82.
From the century of the genome to the century of the organism: New theoretical approaches Special issue of Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology Guest editors: A.M. Soto & G. Longo Preface and table of contents A.M. Soto , G. Longo & D. Noble Preprint - Edited version Why do we need theories? G. Longo & A.M. Soto Preprint - Edited version Reductionist perspectives and the notion of information N. Perret & G. Longo Preprint - Edited version From physical to biological individuation P.-A. Miquel & S.-Y. Hwang Preprint - Edited version The biological default state of cell proliferation with variation and motility, a fundamental principle for a theory of organisms A.M. Soto, G. Longo, M. Montévil & C. Sonnenschein Preprint - Edited version Theoretical principles for biology: Organization M. Mossio, M. Montévil & G. Longo Preprint - Edited version Theoretical principles for biology: Variation M. Montévil, M. Mossio, A. Pocheville & G. Longo Preprint - Edited version Modeling mammary organogenesis from biological first principles: cells and their physical constraints M. Montévil, L. Speroni, C. Sonnenschein & A.M. Soto Preprint - Edited version Carcinogenesis explained within the context of a theory of organisms C. Sonnenschein & A.M. Soto Preprint - Edited version Toward a theory of organisms: Three founding principles in search of a useful integration A.M. Soto, G. Longo, P.-A. Miquel, M. Montévil, M. Mossio, N. Perret, A. Pocheville & C. Sonnenschein Preprint - Edited version 58 mentions React on Twitter
58 citations G Longo , M Montévil , G Longo & M Montévil . 2014. From Physics To Biology By Extending Criticality And Symmetry Breakings. Perspectives On Organisms … . Publisher Eprint A Stéphanou , E Fanchon , PF Innominato & A Ballesta . 2018. Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Systems Pharmacology: The What And The Why. Acta Biotheoretica . Publisher Eprint C Sonnenschein & AM Soto . 2020. Over A Century Of Cancer Research: Inconvenient Truths And Promising Leads. Plos Biology . Publisher Eprint G Longo & M Montévil . 2014. [book] Perspectives On Organisms. . Publisher Eprint M Montévil . 2022. Historicity At The Heart Of Biology. Theory In Biosciences . Publisher Eprint M Montévil . 2023. Entropies And The Anthropocene Crisis. Ai & Society . Publisher Eprint M Montévil . 2019. Measurement In Biology Is Methodized By Theory. Biology & Philosophy . Publisher Eprint A Bardin & M Ferrari . 2022. Governing Progress: From Cybernetic Homeostasis To Simondon's Politics Of Metastability. The Sociological Review . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2019. Interfaces Of Incompleteness. Systemics Of Incompleteness And Quasi-systems . Publisher Eprint C Auffray , D Noble , L Nottale & P Turner . 2020. Progress In Integrative Systems Biology, Physiology And Medicine: Towards A Scale-relative Biology. The European Physical Journal A . Publisher Eprint AM Soto & CM Schaeberle . 2021. From Wingspread To Clarity: A Personal Trajectory. Nature Reviews … . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2018. Information And Causality: Mathematical Reflections On Cancer Biology. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2020. Information At The Threshold Of Interpretation: Science As Human Construction Of Sense. A Critical Reflection On Automated Science: Will … . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2020. Naturalizing Physics Or, Embedding Physics In The Historicity And Materiality Of The Living. La Deleuziana-online Journal Of Philosophy . Publisher Eprint S Huang & L Hood . 2019. Personalized, Precision, And N-of-one Medicine: A Clarification Of Terminology And Concepts. Perspectives In Biology And Medicine . Publisher C Sonnenschein & AM Soto . 2021. Control Of Cell Proliferation: Is The Default State Of Cells Quiescence Or Proliferation?. Organisms. Journal Of Biological … . Publisher Eprint A Islami & G Longo . 2017. Marriages Of Mathematics And Physics: A Challenge For Biology. Progress In Biophysics And Molecular Biology . Publisher Eprint M Montévil . 2021. Computational Empiricism: The Reigning Épistémè Of The Sciences. Philosophy World Democracy . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2022. [book] Matematica E Senso: Per Non Divenire Macchine. . Publisher Eprint M Montévil & A Pocheville . 2017. The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Cancer Galaxy. How Two Critics Missed Their Destination. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2021. Programming Evolution: A Crack In Science. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . 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Journal Of … . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2022. Today's Ecological Relevance Of Bergson-einstein Debate On Time. Einstein Vs. Bergson: An Enduring Quarrel Of Time; … . Publisher Eprint C Petit & G Longo . 2023. The Pandemic And The «techno-fix». Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2011. [pdf] Mathematical Infinity'in Prospettiva'and Spaces Of Possibilities. Iste Open Science . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2021. Confusing Biological Rhythms And Physical Clocks Today's Ecological Relevance Of Bergson-einstein Debate On Time. Eintein Vs Bergson. An Enduring Quarrel Of Time . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2021. Space And Time In The Foundations Of Mathematics, Or Some Challenges In The Interactions With Other Sciences. Handbook Of The Mathematics Of The Arts And Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo & N Perret . 2018. Rhythms, Retention And Protention: Philosophical Reflections On Geometrical Schemata For Biological Time. Building Theories: Heuristics And Hypotheses In … . Publisher Eprint G Longo & M Montévil . 2017. From Logic To Biology Via Physics: A Survey. Logical Methods In Computer Science . Publisher Eprint AM Soto & C Sonnenschein . 2023. Georges Canguilhem, The Health-disease Transition And The Return Of Organicism. Organisms. Journal Of Biological … . Publisher Eprint E Blanchard & G Longo . 2021. From Axiomatic Systems To The Dogmatic Gene And Beyond. Biosystems . Publisher Eprint MM Weckström . 2023. Natural Law, The Modeling Relation, And Two Roots Of Perspectivism. Synthese . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2023. New Genetically Modified Organisms (gmos): Towards A “scientific Precautionary Principle”. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint M Montévil & G Longo . 2018. Big Data And Biological Knowledge. Prediction And Contingency In Biosciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo & D Gauthier . 2021. Scientific Thought And Absolutes: For An Image Of The Sciences, Between Computing And Biology 1. Ontogenesis Beyond Complexity . Publisher Eprint G Longo & S Longo . 2021. Reinventare Il Corpo E Lo Spazio. In Difesa Dell'umano . Publisher Eprint M Buzzoni . 2019. Multilevel Reality, Mechanistic Explanations, And Intertheoretic Reductions. Mechanistic Explanations In Physics And Beyond . Publisher M Montévil , G Longo & AM Soto . 2018. From The Century Of The Gene To That Of The Organism: Introduction To New Theoretical Perspectives. Life Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2020. Information, Science And Democracy, For An Ethics Of Scientific Knowledge. Trust: A Philosophical Approach . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2021. [pdf] From Axiomatic Systems To The Dogmatic Gene And Beyond. Journal Of Biosystems . Publisher Eprint G Longo . 2019. Comment Le Futur Dépend Du Passé Et Des Événements Rares Dans Les Systèmes Du Vivant. Les Libertés De L'improbable . Publisher Eprint N Hasan . 2019. Marxism And The Crisis In Modern Biology. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint M Bertolaso & F Sterpetti . 2020. Introduction. Human Perspectives On The Quest For Knowledge. A Critical Reflection On Automated Science: Will … . Publisher Eprint AM Soto & C Sonnenschein . 2020. Revisiting Dw Smithers's “cancer: An Attack On Cytologism”(1962). Biological Theory . Publisher Eprint A Paldi . 2023. [pdf] Old Ideas Die Hard, Particularly In Cancer Biology. Organisms. Journal Of Biological Sciences . Publisher Eprint G Longo . [pdf] Emergence Vs Novelty Production In Physics Vs Biology. . Publisher Eprint L Cabassa . 2022. Esistono Buone Metafore In Scienza? Note In Margine A" La Linea E Il Circolo". Philosophy Kitchen-rivista Di Filosofia Contemporanea . Publisher Eprint MMG Longo . [pdf] Big Data And Biological Knowledge12. . Publisher Eprint D CONTI . 2023. Il Paradigma Dna-centrico Vs. La Complessità Biologica: Una Spiegazione Troppo Semplice.. Il Cesalpino . 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