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Contents tagged “development”

There are 2 contents with the tag “development”:

  1. Normativité et disruption du vivant dans l’Anthropocène

    Normativité et disruption du vivant dans l’Anthropocène

    Georges Canguilhem, 80 ans après Le Normal et le Pathologique

    Quelle est aujourd'hui la pertinence des concepts de Canguilhem pour la compréhension du vivant et l'action.


    Quatre-vingts ans après, Le Normal et le Pathologique est une référence majeure en philosophie mais qu’en est-il en biologie et en médecine ? Plus précisément, quelle est aujourd’hui la pertinence des concepts de Canguilhem dans la compréhension du vivant et de l’action concernant le vivant ?

    Montévil, Maël. 2024. “Normativité et Disruption Du Vivant Dans l’Anthropocène.” In Georges Canguilhem, 80 Ans Après Le Normal et Le Pathologique, edited by Pierre-Frédéric Daled, Mathias Girel, and Nathalie Queyroux. Les Rencontres de Normale Sup’. https://presses.ens.psl.eu/georges-canguilhem.html
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  2. Plaine Commune, contributive learning territory

    Plaine Commune, contributive learning territory

    Memories for the Future: Thinking with Bernard Stiegler

    The contributive economy is a strategy to disrupt technological disruption by developing knowledge in all its forms. This program has led to several concrete working groups in Plaine Commune.


    The program Plaine Commune, contributive learning territory, started in late 2016. It emerged from the theoretical work of Bernard Stiegler and the Ars Industrialis group. The contributive economy is a strategy to disrupt technological disruption by developing knowledge in all its forms. This program has led to several concrete working groups in Plaine Commune, while others are still developing. Mainly, work is taking place on the economy, digital urbanism, and young children’s development in the context of the overuse of digital media. Here, we focus on the group on digital media and young children’s development and how academics and inhabitant works integrate.

    Montévil, Maël. 2024. “Plaine Commune, Contributive Learning Territory.” In Memories for the Future: Thinking with Bernard Stiegler, edited by Bart Buseyne, Georgios Tsagdis, and Paul Willemarck. Bloomsbury. https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/bernard-stiegler-9781350410459/
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