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Fundamental theory and epistemology of biology, and applications to the anthropocene

Fundamental theory and epistemology of biology, and applications to the anthropocene

Cover slide from the talk “Fundamental theory and epistemology of biology, and applications to the anthropocene”

Biology is a science where, evolution possibly put aside, theories are not significantly developed. Nevertheless, at the theoretical and epistemological level, we argue that biology raises major challenges, notably in contrast with the theorizations of physics. In a nutshell, biology has to accommodate objects endowed with historicity: the ways they live are the result of their history, and they continue to generate history by the appearance of functional novelties. At the same time, they have organizations that require systemic understanding. We will introduce some aspects of this theoretical situation and show how it leads to peculiar vulnerabilities of the living that have acute manifestations in the Anthropocene. In that regard, we will discuss disruptions in biology, from ecosystems to early cognitive and psychological human development, and some responses to them.

Montévil, Maël. 2022. “Fundamental Theory and Epistemology of Biology, and Applications to the Anthropocene.” In Georgetown Environmental Justice Program Seminar. https://environmentaljustice.georgetown.edu/